Student Guide

Whitireia and WelTec are committed to providing quality programmes and a supportive learning environment for all. Our Commitment to Learning shows that we all contribute to a positive and productive learning environment. The Student Guide provides information to support you in your learning journey. 

From 2024, students will receive news and announcements via Moodle only. To get access to all student news, login to Moodle and click the tab 'Kōrero Mai'. All student news posted on Moodle will be sent to your student email.

WelTec Moodle

Whitireia Moodle


Find out general information about assessments and results, including how to apply for an extension, another assessment attempt, an aegrotat and challenging an assessment result.

 See more >

Careers Advice

We can help you identify career and employment options that meet your interests and values. Our team can discuss your CV, cover letter and preparation for interviews.

Email or call 0800 141 121. If you are on campus, visit our helpdesks to book an appointment.

See more >

Feedback, Concerns and Complaints

If you have a concern, we encourage you to first discuss your concerns directly with your tutor or another staff member. You may also seek advice from support staff or at the student helpdesk. If you are unable to resolve your concern, there is a complaints process.  

See more>

Credit Recognition

If you have relevant skills and knowledge through study or experience from work or other activities, you may be able to receive credit for them when enrolling in a programme of study.

 See more > 

Difficulties, Disabilities and Wellbeing Support  

We have dedicated, experienced staff to support you if you have (or suspect you have) learning difficulties, disabilities and/or mental health needs. The team will work with you and your tutors to provide appropriate resources and support to help facilitate a successful learning journey.

For Disability Support, see more >

For Safety and Wellbeing Support, see more >

Contact; call 0800 141 121 to make a time to chat with our friendly team.


Key enrolment information for both domestic and international students can be found here.  Be aware of key calendar dates, entry requirements and course withdrawal information. 

See more > 

Events Calendar

Take note of key trimester dates, course start dates and mid-year breaks.  Make sure you are in the right place at the right time! 

See more >

Facilities, Student Spaces & Services

Discover the facilities, services and spaces available to students at each campusCheck our campus information below.

Find your way around Petone Campus >

Find your way around Porirua Campus >

Find your way around Te Auaha Campus >

Funding your Study

Do you need support with paying fees, Studylink and scholarships? Learn how you can get assistance here.

See more >


Near the end of your journey and about to graduate?  Find out how to apply/withdraw from a graduation ceremony and when these special celebrations are held. 

See more > 

Health & Safety

The health and safety of our students, staff and visitors is very important to us. This section has information on the health and safety commitment and event reporting procedures Whitireia and WelTec holds. 

See more > 

Health & Wellbeing

It is important that students feel well supported during their learning journey.  Explore the drop-downs below to read about support available.

IT Services

You’ll need to follow a few steps to set up your login, email, and Wi-Fi access.  Head to this section to find the steps you need to follow.  There is also information on printing, photocopying and scanning. 

See more > 

Library Services and Support

Our libraries provide access to high-quality resources through print and online mediums to support your studies and learning.  

Connect to our library services →

Loan a Laptop 

Laptops can be borrowed for the duration of a student’s current enrolment. To be eligible for a loaner laptop, students must be fully enrolled, on a programme over 0.5 EFTS and engaged in regular study with good attendance. To apply for a loaner laptop, click here. As an alternative, feel free to use the computer labs located at each of our campuses. For more information on our computer labs, click here.

Online Learning

Moodle is an online learning platform. Connect to the sign-in page for Whitireia Moodle or WelTec Moodle 

Our Tohu

The concepts of Kotahitanga (togetherness, unity and collective action lifting each other up, identifying as one) and Poutama (the pursuit of knowledge) guided the design of the two tohu - Kaitiakatanga and Ākonga - crafted by Manukorihi Winiata (Ngāti Raukawa, Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) for Whitireia and WelTec.

See more >

Rights and Responsibilities

Providing a safe learning and working environment where students are treated with fairness, dignity and respect is a priority, and central to the student experience. Find out more about your rights and what is expected of you as a student.  

See more > 

Student Conduct

There are fair, consistent procedures to deal with any allegation of misconduct made against a student. You will be entitled to representation, advice, advocacy and support at all stages.

See more >

Student Support

Make the most of your student journey and connect with our student support and cultural support teams. Learn more about how we can support you during your learning journey. 

See more >

Student Voice

It is important student matters are voiced and considered.  Student voice representatives, student connection and student advocacy are all platforms that ensure your voice is heard and validated. Visit us in the Student Connection Zone in the Learning Commons, Petone Campus. 

See more >

Study & Learning Support

Whitireia and WelTec offer support services including academic support, campus navigation, disability support, flexible learning and general information. Connect with or 0800 141 121 for more information. 

See more >


Programme and course timetable information is available online. Timetables are subject to change and you should check your timetable from time to time, especially in the last week before teaching starts. 

Whitireia and WelTec are part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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