Noa'ia 'e mạuri gagaj 'atakoa!
This week we are celebrating Rotuma Language Week | Gasav Ne Fäeag Rotuạm Ta. The 2024 theme for Rotuma Language Week is ‘Vetḁkia ‘os Fäega ma Ag fak hanua - Sustaining our Language and Culture.’
Rotuma is a small volcanic island around 465km north of Fiji. According to the 2018 census, around 1600 people live on the island and over 900 people living in New Zealand identify as being from Rotuma. Despite it's small size, Rotuma has a unique language and culture. There are seven districts on the island.
There are multiple events celebrating the language happening across the country, which you can find on the Ministry of Pacific People's website. If you can't make it to an event, there are plenty of resources to help you learn a bit of the language! Check out some of the more common terms below.
Noa'ia (Noah-e-yah) | Hello |
Noa'ia 'e mạuri gagaj 'atakoa | Greetings Everyone |
Figalelei (Finga-le-lay) | Please |
Fạiȧkse'ea (For-yak-see-yah) | Thank you |
Turo' | Excuse me |
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